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Unistalled APP
hey there.. First sorrry if i did some grammar error, English is not my first language.

I have a MXQ Pro  4K Tv box with the My Family Cinema pre installed.
Yesterday, sunday, with a lot of time to spend I decided to clean up some old and not used apps to save some memory space.
Don't know how exactly but I guess I did something wrong and unistalll MFC from my device Confused
Well, I thought, just need to find the app in Google Play and reinstalll it. But then I found out that the app is not available for users anymore just partners.
What do I do now? Need to take the device to the store that i bought it?
There some way to restore to default factory and then MFC app will get installed again?

Well, at least I learned a lesson.. Dont mess with something you don't know how to works. Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
Unistalled APP - by jdolci - 04-16-2018, 08:18 PM
RE: Unistalled APP - by MFC_service - 04-17-2018, 02:21 AM
RE: Unistalled APP - by asyadiqin - 04-26-2018, 10:45 AM

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